High-Quality Guaranteed!

Quality Assurance

Here at JTI Hardware we take Quality and Safety as one of our core pillars. We strongly believe that a High-Quality product will be safe to use and keep its surface integrity for years to come. Therefore, every product that leaves our inspection line is vigorously inspected to ensure they are up to specification. Not only do we check intensively for surface defects of the product, the hardness, the corrosion resistance, the measurements and the actual function between the moving parts of the assembled product is also checked thoroughly in our laboratory and assembly line before they are qualified to pass. This ensures that every product that leaves JTI Hardware is a product that we are proud of.
Moreover, it is integral for us to inspect every product that leaves one production stage to another. We believe that this ensures high product quality, a decrease in final defect rate and also an increase in reaction time to fix any production related problems in the production chain. Therefore, as a rule we have at least 2 inspection officers at every stop of the production chain. We invested heavily in our Laboratory to make sure we give an ease of mind for our clients, our test Equipment includes but are not limited to: Salt Spray Tests (NSS/ASS/NASS), Measurement of Electroplating Layer Thickness, Cross Cut Tests, Hardness Tests, Adherence Tests, Dimensional Measurements by Projector, Drop Tests, Endurance tests, Thermal Shock Tests, Water Sealing Tests, Test of resistance to conventional bathroom cleaning products etc.
Team of Experienced and Qualified Technical Engineers

We Provide Expert Technical Consultancy

One of our main services include providing expert technical consultancy for our clients, that wish to enhance or elevate their production efficacy, quality or product.

Our technical team is well qualified, specialized and have decades long experience in this industry. As the world is ever changing and evolving, we invest a lot in our technical team to provide innovative ideas to gain on the industry.

Our technical team is made up of engineers that are specialists in design, tooling designs and modification, production and experts in various material groups. Therefore, allowing us to give a comprehensive and reactive consultancy service to our clients that can greatly enhance the quality and the efficiency of production for their products.

Only with such an important technical backing, can production problems be solved and the production chain be refined to its utmost potential. The result will produce happy clients, happy employees and products of the best quality.

High-Quality Products at Competitive Prices